Thursday, 28 August 2014


Mt. Kenya

It is not easy to like Kenyan politicians. All of them; irrespective of party, ethnic, religious or racial affiliation, are irredeemable bloodsuckers who neither care for or about the country nor the people who elect them into office. Media reports indicate that during the last Financial Year Parliamentarians received a whooping Ksh. 3 Billion in allowances for their local and foreign travel. Governors and MCAs were not been left behind and their local and foreign travel may have consumed even a greater fortune. So far 8 foreign countries have reportedly banned Kenyan MCAs from visiting their capitals due to what has been termed as unbecoming conduct and irritating demands. These new village tyrant are now threatening devolution; the very essence of our new constitutional dispensation. You can imagine all this opulence in a country where there are reports of deaths resulting from starvation in several Counties falling under the Arid & Semi Arid Land (ASAL) regions. Kenyan politicians will unashamedly use all manner of tricks to attain or remain in power without regard to the interests of the electorate and the country. Bribery, war mongering, elimination and intimidation of real and potential opponents, ethnic mobilization and violence are their preferred tools of trade. But soon after every general election, these fellows abandon their electorate and hide in the Nairobi where they resort to making lofty demands on the National Treasury for personal self-aggrandizement. 

A section of Mt. Kenya Legislators
Although political deceit is prevalent in nearly every part of Kenya, the most despicable lot of local politicians is the one from Mt. Kenya region as well as their cousins elected in the Nairobi & Rift Valley Diasporas. Once elected into office, politicians from this region behave like aliens towards their electorate. Whereas I personally may not need any assistance from a Governor, Senator, MP or MCA; every so often I encounter a lot of people who genuinely need their assistance. Needy constituents with pressing issues which require to be raised as questions in either Houses of Parliament or County Assemblies. But their “leaders” are simply inaccessible to the voters. Trying to meet a Governor, Senator or MP from this region is akin to seeking an appointment with the earthly Regent of God. But this is understandable. Over 90% of the fellows elected in this region buy their way into public office. They have little time and no regard for their people. To recoup their election expenses, the greater majority of them spend most of their time and energy engaging in nefarious economic activities (they call them deals) which are injurious to their people and the country. There is palpable suspicion that some of them engage in or protect the trade in illicit killer brews and narcotic drugs in their home region. Whenever deaths occur in the region as a result of people consuming illicit liquor, nearly all these politicians maintain a very telling studious silence. Even worse, very few of them can meaningfully engage in a national discourse relating to Policy & Legislation (somebody recently called them former Councillors; he may have been partially right). Their contribution in debates in the National Assembly and the Senate is lackluster and not worth any mention. This poor performance by Central Kenya Legislator affects the entire country. Despite their large numbers in both Houses of Parliament, their political influence is negligible; near ZERO! They are the sole reason their people from humble backgrounds are being subjected to double discrimination in every sphere of the public service in Kenya. 

Mt. Kenya leaders addressing a Press Conference
It is very sad that 50 years after independence; any charlatan, wheeler-dealer, war monger or drug peddler with money to bribe voters or buy cheap liquor for idle youth can easily be elected into “leadership” in this part of Kenya. Kenya will one day change for good but only when a critical mass of voters changes its mindset. To begin with, the people in Mt Kenya region and its Diasporas where nearly 100 Senators and MPs are voted into office in every general election must change the way they elect their “leaders”. Yes, real change must begin somewhere; the Mountain people need redemption and Kenya’s political “salvation” will start from the Mountain!

Twitter: @DeCaptainCFE

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